Breaking The Rules
8:00 AM
Drawn From Imagination inspired this post. You read that one right? (Jump back to read, I won't tell). I thought I'd create an entire post based off breaking the rules. My last post was inspired by Taylor Swift and I love how she "broke the rules." This is the modern wardrobe and we set our own standards! I sought to find an outfit that may seem like it shouldn't but actually does work! First and foremost id like to instill the thought that when choosing pieces to wear we should seek items that go together, not match. Again, matching every part of your outfit is a thing of the past; more specifically DECADES ago.
I chose these pieces to wear together because they incorporate a lot of different ideals that are usually thought to be rule breakers. "Mixing patterns and prints is too busy." "Black and Brown should never be paired together." Remember hearing all that? FORGET IT! You can mix patterns, colors, and when done well you can combine both! This outfit works because I kept the prints and patterns similar and I didn't incorporate too many colors. The lines in my dress, bag and sweater are all rigid and linear. Its easier to mix patterns when you either have the same color combinations, a variety in sizes, and in movement. For example; you can mix floral patterns to create an organic ethereal outfit. If your dress has a large watercolor flower print then I'd choose a sweater or jacket with a smaller printed flower in a color mixed within the dress. This way your outfit goes together and adds some serious interest!
So hopefully by now the wheels are turning and I'm sure you're running through every article of clothing in your closet. Pushing yourself to create more options from what you already have will make you feel like you have an entirely new wardrobe. Plus becoming more inspired is what dressing is all about, so keep pushing the creativity!
My sweater is a vintage piece from my closet but I found some great options in stores now!
Thank you all for reading and supporting my blog. Writing for you all has been a complete privilege and I am having the time of my life creating and dreaming up beautiful things to show you all. I'd love to hear from you in the comments below, and don't forget to check us out on our instagram, facebook and pinterest pages.
Happy Shopping!