Strolling Through a Storybook

12:00 AM

After brunch on a Sunday morning in November, the man of my dreams and I traveled through a storybook anxious to experience the coming pages. Aside from the occasional car these streets are a step back to the turn of the 19th century. A complete dream. Three story Italianate homes with rich mahogany woodwork, stone pathways and ornate cased openings offers nothing less than a picture perfect scene. 

I can't help but luster in the painterly scenes of this historic district. Luckily my outfit showcases small hints of the beauty surrounding me. My hair is brightly colored enough so I often wear a lot of neutral colors, but I love to throw in some POPS of color here and there. My yellow tassel is continuing to be a hot accessory this season as was last. 

The importance of this outfit is that this is my center, my home, the look I go for when I want comfort, security and safety. However, I think this outfit is anything but "safe." Even thought Im wearing leggings and absolutely no skin is showing, tight thigh high black boots are show s t o p p e r s. 

Down to the details; lets be realistic. Who doesn't feel comfortable, secure and at home wearing leggings, a long sleeve cotton t-shirt and a high neck sweater?  This is my ideal comfort style and truthfully I add fancy accessories to make it look like I tried harder than I actually did that morning. (Thats a style tip I don't often share) ;)

Aside from a simple and classic base adding some nice accessories is always going to make an outfit. This is my "at home" ensemble and I encourage you to find yours. This way you'll always be on trend and when your friends call you at the last minute for a girls night you will always be ready!  Never turn your back on style and continue strutting forward because theres always another page.  

Happy Shopping!

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